Saturday, May 17, 2008


Learning alot of oxymoron these days...some having such deep meaning:

"Free is an expansive word"
given when I was asking a friend "when wld you be free?". My personal take: saying that we are free implies (1) we are wasting time, thus it being expansive (2) offering that we are able to take on a role/job/work, hence implying sacrificing other areas (think opportunity cost), which may be expansive...Guess my friend meant the latter.

"God's silence is loud"
Forgot where i heard it from, but I've personally experienced this. Dark moments when God seem to be so distant, so far from the pain I'm going thru...these were terrible and painful moments. Yet they were times i cry out to Him from the depth and cling onto Him.

Other less meaningful thou interesting eg "army intelligence"...and many i can't rmb...(i quote my friend who quotes his tutor)

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