Sunday, February 6, 2011



What is a new beginning to us as Christians?
Mark 5:1-18

We must first have an encouter with Christ!!

1. 耶稣让我们看见我们生命的黑暗/软落。
Mark 5:2-6 --> being bounded n kept in the dark gloomy graveyard. Does our life also have that dark miserable point?

so how did things change? He had an encouter wif Christ!!! When Christ comes into our life,
- he gives light to shine in the darkness of our life
- to give a new perspective to the struggles we face (our self centeredness, weakness, sin... )
- to give strength n courage to overcome our weakness

"Dear Lord, I have a big problem in my life, causing me so much miseary, holding me back from moving forward. help me Lord!"

2. 耶稣让我们看见生命新的意义,肯定生命的价值。
Jesus came specially to visit this demon possessed man, out of his way/culture and to consider his life much more worthy compared to 2 thousand pigs.

Our life has great value in Christ!! But we are too often blinded by the worldly values to see just how precious we are in Christ. As a result, we blindly pursue the empty values of the world, to become miserable n empty wif the temporal values.

So, have we been seeing others as valuable people? the sick whale in the ward, the uncle sweeping the floor, the troublesome family? Oh Lord, forgive me for thinking i am more valuable than others, help me to see ur glory in others.

3. 生命有新 的方向,领受 生命的呼召。
Have we seeked the direction n calling God has given us?

Ah, a new year with many new beginnings :) time to be on my knees to pray.