Sunday, November 29, 2009

Diocese Centenary Celebration Service

More than 10,000 people gathered today at Suntec City, united in one vioce and one heart in worshiping the Lord. What a joyous and glorious occation that is!! We from different parishes, from different generations, across different languages (English, Mandarin, Tamil, Thai...) all came together today under the banner of God's grace and glory, worshiping Him as one church, one diocese.

It was such a heartwarming occation to be celebrating with brothers and sisters. I was literally touched to tears throughout the service. I could almost picture Rev 7:9 around me, where people of every nation, every tongue and every tribe coming to worship and praise the Lord!

Beyond the procession, songs and dance, what touched me was the message and thoughts God has placed in my heart through the services. Indeed, it was a great encounter and fellowship with the Lord. How I pray I would seek His glory all my life, to be obedient to Him, learning to sacrifice, just as Jesus did...onto the cross! Some thoughts:

1) Crossing over as a generation. I was deeply encouraged by the presence of the youths today during the service. God has brought our diocese through 100 years, but how would the journey till the next 100yr be? The burden lies on our shoulders, the youths of this generation. Ah, but how many of us are truly willing to offer our lives to the Lord? How many of us are humble enough to allow the Spirit to work and mould? Even I am still learning to do so. It is scary to think that a church would ever come to a stop. I shudder at that thought. Yet it is a reality, if we do not start to build each other up now, to grow in Christ. Brothers and sisters, let us cross over as a generation!!!

2) "Be the best at what you do, be the penicle of your specialty" -- I remember a senior sharing. And this thought came to me once again. As I saw the community work that our Diocese has been involved in, I'm so encouraged and touched. I want to be part of it, with the skills and talents that GOd has given me, to be a blessing to others. More specifically, as I think of serving in SACH, I already see so many obstacles ahead. Was reminded that it'll indeed difficult to be employed by a ministry. Ever since Bishop Chew asked me (casually) to consider speciallising in rehab med to serve at SACH, that thought's been on my mind. But I was reminded today that I cannot be half hearted in my service. If I truly want to serve, it'll have to be the best, and nothing less. Ah, no more slacking my friend!!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Ah, love.

What a great mystery, a great beauty, a precious gift. It is like the bright sun that lights up the meadow, reveling the beautiful flowers that blossom, reflecting the crystal clear waters. It is like a song that touches the depths of your soul, stiring joy within the spirit. It unites, reconcils and rejoyces.

Yet love is more than a emotion, it is a decision! It is a decision to share and to receive, a decision to be hurt and be healed. It is an active process, a letting go of our selfish nature, to embrace others, like God has embraced us. Though it often seems too idealistic and imposible, remember that we were created in the image of God, who is love. The world may rob us of love, deceive us that there is no love, but do not be fooled! For He who is love has won the world!

Woe to the one who chooses to walk in the absence of love, where vengence lurks and sorrow stalls. What pain it is to be trapped in palms of hatred, to become the slave to the devil. I can only pray I would never hate, but be reminded and renewed by His Spirit.

God is love.


If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

--- 1 Corinthians 13

Oh Lord, teach me to love.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Eugene can run!!!!

At the staring line... Beautiful dawn...

It's unbelievable!!! It's amazing!!! It's a miracle!!!!

I completed my frist official run!! Though it's only 10km, it's a great achievement for the weekend runner like me. I'm so thankful that God has given me the strength and endurance to finish it...and in 1hr!!!! That's like many times faster than what I expected. Praise the Lord!!!!

Life is like running. We know the start, we know the end. But as we run, the end just seems so far, so impossible. We get fatigued and tired along the way, sometimes even to the extend of wanting to give up. But just when you are running out of energy, you see others running along, beakonning you to follow. When you are desperately thirsty, people along the road offer you a drink. You stop to walk, but with people around, you just can't stopm but keep walking. And at the end of the race, you sprint pass the finishing line to receive the prize that awaits.

Life is like running.

Sunday, November 15, 2009



我虽然行过死荫的幽谷、也不怕遭害. 因为你与我同在. 你的杖、你的竿、都安慰我。你的杖、你的竿、都安慰我。

When you feel like throwing in the towel to life, when you feel that no one cares for you, when you look around and find helpless/hopelessness/pain, remember that along the journey of life, God is our provider, guidance, protector and blessing!!!! Praise to the Lord!!!

Cool neuro-opthalmic website!!!

Thanks weizhen for the heads up!!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Week

It has been a busy week.

Travelling to NUH everyday is no joke. Daily 1h journey at645am, it's truly tiring. Have to rely on the kopi-beng to keep awake. Still got to do this for the next 6 weeks. Sigh...But it could be cos I've been sleeping late...Why?

1. Almost every night got playhouse practice. End up reaching home by 10++pm. Though I sld not complain (cos many others have put in so much more effort and made alot more sacrifices), but still, it is tiring.

2. Got to study for ID. I like ID. It's something familiar, yet such a mystery. It's a joy reading for ID. But 2 weeks to cover so many topics is really not easy. Haha, even before the test, I've still got a few sets of unread notes...naughty boy. So have been trying to study a bit every night, but as expected, falling asleep with the guilt of not reading...haha...

Nonetheless, it has been an eventful and blessed week. Much to give thanks for:
1. Haha, Mon's lecture was one of the few lectures I managed to stay awake!!! So proud of myself . Now I know it's possible to pay attention...but oh, did I mention that I forgot that there was an 8am, lecture and tot the 1st lecture was at 930 :P Haha, careless boy. Regardless, it's a small step...and a prayer answered :)

2. It was great to be back at CF on Tue, to just join in worship and be amongst the sweet fellowship. Ah, how I miss everyone...Oh, pleasently surprised to see Stephen joining us (cos Shieng is still running the science CF...hmm...)

3. Thank God for friends who have been such a great encouragement and blessing. Though I so often feel like slacking (both in my studies and spiritual walk), friends around motivate me to keep moving on. May the Lord continue to bless you all as we continue to uphold each other!!!

4. Deeply encouraged by my classmates, for everyone who took time off to participate in our final playhouse, for sacrificing precious time and energy just to train/practice with everyone. Though things are rather messy, though we seem way behind what other batches are doing, we are still carrying on. The show must and will go on. It's the spirit that counts!!! I'm so proud to be part of Class05/10. Friends, let's do it together!!!! It doesn't matter if we win anything at all, it's the process and unity that counts.

...thankful for the opportunity to know a few of my classmates better.

But still, the busy week has taken time off my loved ones...Ah Dear, I really miss you.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


From Daily bread for Doctors...

But if when you do right and suffer for it patiently, you have God's approval. 1 Peter 2:20

Ever since I was a child, nothing would cause me to lose my temper more quickly than being accused of something of which I was totally innocent. Even today I find it hard to take such misunderstandings, especially when it is the spiritual dimension of my life that is under fire.

My postgraduate training in medicine has recently involved much close contact with a senior doctor who has been observing not only my clinical ability, but many other aspect of my life, and with whom I have had hours of both academic and social discussion. He is one unbeliever who has grown to know me fairly well, and I have been literally staggered by the misconceptions he has about Christian belief that come up in our conversations.

As we have considered the old problems of euthanasia, abortion and so on, I have realised why this man initially looked at me so askance on hearing that I was a follower of Jesus Christ.

To take just one point, he had always thought that Christians were rather `anti-life' in their approach. They were so concerned with heavenly goals and aspirations that, compared with life hereafter, our three-score and ten on earth were completely overshadowed; so it didn't really matter too much what our values on human worth were like!

It was both a painful discovery to realise that I was viewed in this way, but also a useful opportunity to try to correct this man's distorted vision of Christianity. However he is only one of many thousands who do not understand us. And I have come to see that being misconstrued in this way is part of the price that all Christians have to pay for their faith, and perhaps particularly those of us who are also doctors and who thus have our reputation with our patients at stake.

We can thank God that the Lord Jesus is our brother in this, as in all other areas of life. His reputation was something that he was prepared to hold very lightly indeed as he faced the misunderstanding and ridicule of the many, in order that he might bring the truth to those who were really ready to listen.

Are we willing to follow his example or are we over concerned about what the majority of our contemporaries in medicine will inevitably think?

Further reading: 1 Pet 2:18-25. Eph 6:5-8. Col 3:22-25.


What a reminder to keep our hearts focused on the Lord and not on Man/things of the earth. This article spoke to me greatly as I am one easily affected by other's view of me (yeah, me love language is words of affection). But what a great reminder that our identity is not based on what others see, but what God sees of us!!!! I serve not Man but the creator of Man. I love because God first loved. Though the road ahead maybe tough, if we focus on the Lord, fix our eyes on Him, He will lead us and keep us from straying.

Praise be to God!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Way to go M5!!!

Many were tired, yet we persevered...

I'm so encouraged to see many of my classmates coming down to practice for playhouse despite SIP and EOPT. The unity and willingless to work together is truly amazing. Thanks everyone for coming down, for being part...of the class. May we present the best playhouse has ever seen!!!

Jia you!!!