Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy 牛Year!!!!


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Finding God again...

2 precious lessons learnt during VCF BS:

1) We have often reduced God to a means rather than the ends.

2) What does it mean to be holy and set apart? Is it just to do QT, go to church, make confessions? Are these becoming our own rituals to attain holiness (like the Pharisee)? When God set apart Isreal and made them holy, he didn't intend it for the benefit of the Isrealites. Rather, it was for the benefit of those around, that when they see Isreal, they would also see God. That's what being holy menat

Ah...indeed...I have been mistaken for so long. Change my heart O Lord!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009!!!!

There are so many people whom I want to thank, for being part of my life, for telling me what's right and wrong, for pulling me back when I fall off track, for making me who I am, for sharing the tears and joy with me along this journey...

You know who you are.

Even though it may not be the biggest or greatest thing you have done. To me, it's the most wonderful gift God has given to me through you...

To my beloved family and friends:

HAPPY 2009!!!!!
May the Lord guide you and keep you. May the year ahead be full of joy and blessings from our Lord!!!