Monday, December 21, 2009
The jorney to death...
"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23)"... and "the wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23)"
So then, how do we face death? God has given me the privilage of sharing the process to death with many people. Some longer than others, some more painful and torturous. The knowledge of awaiting/inpending death is not easy. I recall a patient crying bitterly once:"医生,你懂等死的滋味是多么痛苦的吗!"
Indeed, the process of inpending death is a painfully bitter one. It is a journey of great uncertainty, not knowing when that moment would come. We lose all hope in living when we realise we don't have much life left. Why carrying on fighting when death is so certain? Why not just end it earlier instead of going thru the pain?
Yet, I've known of many who face death with such bravery and courage they literally shine in the face of death! They hold on to a hope yet seen, a truth so real that gives them life in the light of death. Yes, they hold on to the very Giver of life, the Living stream, the Everlasting hope. Even when their bodies fail them, even when the fact is that they will not recover, they can carry on living for they know they live for the God who has won victorious over power of death.
What a comfort and joy to know that we have a God so powerful and so loving. How I pray friends facing death can receive such comfort too...
Dearest Christine, you will be dearly missed by all of us. Thanks for sharing your life of encouragement with us, showing us the amazing love of God. May we see each other in heaven, in the fellowship of our God. Take care and God bless.
Dear J and T, hang in there! May the Lord grant you peace and strength to travel this last journey on earth. Keeping you in prayer.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
It was indeed a great time of fellowship with so many brothers and sisters, and a great encouragement to see how we have worked together in love dispite our differences. Thank God that His love flowed amongst us, teaching us to speak truth in love and to tolerate each other.
But... ... I still don't understand... ... ... why did the audience laugh when I came on stage!!! It was supposed to be a sad scene, the peak of the emo-ness...sigh...never ask a real doc to act doc...sigh.......
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Indescribable joy!!!
I praise the the Lord, for this happened today not once but twice! What a double blessing!!!
1) Was sharing with someone (can't reveal identity) and he received Christ!!! I was so amazed, almost lost for words! Was sharing with him yesterday, when he was a little reluctant so simply ended with praying for him. Planned to share the gospel bridge with him this morning. Prayed for him the whole night. Went back to say hi this morning and when I asked him again if he believed in heaven, he said yes! Could not believe my ears! Asked if he believed in Jesus Christ, he said yes! Praise the Lord!!!! His Spirit works indeed.
But the work has only just began. Must continue to pray and encourage my new friend :) Oh Lord, give me wisdom to know what to do.
2) Received the card a patient left behind for me after my surgery SIP at TTSH (Thanks Dr Terrance and brother Reuben). It was a simple thank you card, but it spoke multitudes. I almost cannot believe I was holding a thank you card addressed to me :P I really didn't do much, simply went back after my last day to say hi (n bye) to the patients under my care. Didn't expect such a great return of blessing! What a great encouragement this is!! And what a powerful reminder to love as Jesus loved.
Such indescribable joy!!! What an indescribable God we worship!!!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
I need you Lord
Preparing for worship never fails to humble me before the Lord. I'll always start of with an excitement and confidence, to find myself in a panic as the deadline draws near, to a fear before practice/sunday and rejoycing at the service. Thru each experience, God reminds me again and again that He is the center of worship, that He is God and I am not, that I must learn to trust Him and focus on Him.
Focus on Him...
Ah, had a terrible evening of emotional and Spiritual trauma. A realisation that I have left God out of the equation of my life. And when things pile up, I lose the focus on the cross and my heart/soul wonders into the dark murky waters...Ah, as Sam reminded me, it is now that we need to be even more focused on the Lord!
Am commited to deliberatly set time aside for the Lord, to seek Him each day. Father, change my heart and set it right before You. May I not treat you like an ATM machine, me trying to punch the right code for Your blessings. Humble me in fear of You, knowing that You have already poured out your blessings and all You ask of me is to follow You.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Embracing uncertainty
I was quite amazed by the answer, words spoken by someone with great faith and wisdom! We live in a world that is everchanging and uncertainty lurks in every corner. And that irks many of us. We generally want to have some control over our lives, some certainty over things that are to come (thus all the horoscopes, predicting the future stuff). This even manifests in our prayer, where our attitude becomes that of expecting God to work things our way.
But that is definitely not God's intension. He never promised that life would be smooth sailing. Rather, we are sent like sheep into the wolf pack. There is NO certainty of our lives ahead, but only the hope we have in Christ.
"Embracing uncertainty"...Ah, what a lesson to learn
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Diocese Centenary Celebration Service
More than 10,000 people gathered today at Suntec City, united in one vioce and one heart in worshiping the Lord. What a joyous and glorious occation that is!! We from different parishes, from different generations, across different languages (English, Mandarin, Tamil, Thai...) all came together today under the banner of God's grace and glory, worshiping Him as one church, one diocese.
It was such a heartwarming occation to be celebrating with brothers and sisters. I was literally touched to tears throughout the service. I could almost picture Rev 7:9 around me, where people of every nation, every tongue and every tribe coming to worship and praise the Lord!
Beyond the procession, songs and dance, what touched me was the message and thoughts God has placed in my heart through the services. Indeed, it was a great encounter and fellowship with the Lord. How I pray I would seek His glory all my life, to be obedient to Him, learning to sacrifice, just as Jesus did...onto the cross! Some thoughts:
1) Crossing over as a generation. I was deeply encouraged by the presence of the youths today during the service. God has brought our diocese through 100 years, but how would the journey till the next 100yr be? The burden lies on our shoulders, the youths of this generation. Ah, but how many of us are truly willing to offer our lives to the Lord? How many of us are humble enough to allow the Spirit to work and mould? Even I am still learning to do so. It is scary to think that a church would ever come to a stop. I shudder at that thought. Yet it is a reality, if we do not start to build each other up now, to grow in Christ. Brothers and sisters, let us cross over as a generation!!!
2) "Be the best at what you do, be the penicle of your specialty" -- I remember a senior sharing. And this thought came to me once again. As I saw the community work that our Diocese has been involved in, I'm so encouraged and touched. I want to be part of it, with the skills and talents that GOd has given me, to be a blessing to others. More specifically, as I think of serving in SACH, I already see so many obstacles ahead. Was reminded that it'll indeed difficult to be employed by a ministry. Ever since Bishop Chew asked me (casually) to consider speciallising in rehab med to serve at SACH, that thought's been on my mind. But I was reminded today that I cannot be half hearted in my service. If I truly want to serve, it'll have to be the best, and nothing less. Ah, no more slacking my friend!!!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
What a great mystery, a great beauty, a precious gift. It is like the bright sun that lights up the meadow, reveling the beautiful flowers that blossom, reflecting the crystal clear waters. It is like a song that touches the depths of your soul, stiring joy within the spirit. It unites, reconcils and rejoyces.
Yet love is more than a emotion, it is a decision! It is a decision to share and to receive, a decision to be hurt and be healed. It is an active process, a letting go of our selfish nature, to embrace others, like God has embraced us. Though it often seems too idealistic and imposible, remember that we were created in the image of God, who is love. The world may rob us of love, deceive us that there is no love, but do not be fooled! For He who is love has won the world!
Woe to the one who chooses to walk in the absence of love, where vengence lurks and sorrow stalls. What pain it is to be trapped in palms of hatred, to become the slave to the devil. I can only pray I would never hate, but be reminded and renewed by His Spirit.
God is love.
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
--- 1 Corinthians 13
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Eugene can run!!!!


I completed my frist official run!! Though it's only 10km, it's a great achievement for the weekend runner like me. I'm so thankful that God has given me the strength and endurance to finish it...and in 1hr!!!! That's like many times faster than what I expected. Praise the Lord!!!!
Life is like running. We know the start, we know the end. But as we run, the end just seems so far, so impossible. We get fatigued and tired along the way, sometimes even to the extend of wanting to give up. But just when you are running out of energy, you see others running along, beakonning you to follow. When you are desperately thirsty, people along the road offer you a drink. You stop to walk, but with people around, you just can't stopm but keep walking. And at the end of the race, you sprint pass the finishing line to receive the prize that awaits.
Life is like running.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
我虽然行过死荫的幽谷、也不怕遭害. 因为你与我同在. 你的杖、你的竿、都安慰我。你的杖、你的竿、都安慰我。
When you feel like throwing in the towel to life, when you feel that no one cares for you, when you look around and find helpless/hopelessness/pain, remember that along the journey of life, God is our provider, guidance, protector and blessing!!!! Praise to the Lord!!!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The Week
Travelling to NUH everyday is no joke. Daily 1h journey at645am, it's truly tiring. Have to rely on the kopi-beng to keep awake. Still got to do this for the next 6 weeks. Sigh...But it could be cos I've been sleeping late...Why?
1. Almost every night got playhouse practice. End up reaching home by 10++pm. Though I sld not complain (cos many others have put in so much more effort and made alot more sacrifices), but still, it is tiring.
2. Got to study for ID. I like ID. It's something familiar, yet such a mystery. It's a joy reading for ID. But 2 weeks to cover so many topics is really not easy. Haha, even before the test, I've still got a few sets of unread notes...naughty boy. So have been trying to study a bit every night, but as expected, falling asleep with the guilt of not reading...haha...
Nonetheless, it has been an eventful and blessed week. Much to give thanks for:
1. Haha, Mon's lecture was one of the few lectures I managed to stay awake!!! So proud of myself . Now I know it's possible to pay attention...but oh, did I mention that I forgot that there was an 8am, lecture and tot the 1st lecture was at 930 :P Haha, careless boy. Regardless, it's a small step...and a prayer answered :)
2. It was great to be back at CF on Tue, to just join in worship and be amongst the sweet fellowship. Ah, how I miss everyone...Oh, pleasently surprised to see Stephen joining us (cos Shieng is still running the science CF...hmm...)
3. Thank God for friends who have been such a great encouragement and blessing. Though I so often feel like slacking (both in my studies and spiritual walk), friends around motivate me to keep moving on. May the Lord continue to bless you all as we continue to uphold each other!!!
4. Deeply encouraged by my classmates, for everyone who took time off to participate in our final playhouse, for sacrificing precious time and energy just to train/practice with everyone. Though things are rather messy, though we seem way behind what other batches are doing, we are still carrying on. The show must and will go on. It's the spirit that counts!!! I'm so proud to be part of Class05/10. Friends, let's do it together!!!! It doesn't matter if we win anything at all, it's the process and unity that counts.
...thankful for the opportunity to know a few of my classmates better.
But still, the busy week has taken time off my loved ones...Ah Dear, I really miss you.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
But if when you do right and suffer for it patiently, you have God's approval. 1 Peter 2:20
Ever since I was a child, nothing would cause me to lose my temper more quickly than being accused of something of which I was totally innocent. Even today I find it hard to take such misunderstandings, especially when it is the spiritual dimension of my life that is under fire.
My postgraduate training in medicine has recently involved much close contact with a senior doctor who has been observing not only my clinical ability, but many other aspect of my life, and with whom I have had hours of both academic and social discussion. He is one unbeliever who has grown to know me fairly well, and I have been literally staggered by the misconceptions he has about Christian belief that come up in our conversations.
As we have considered the old problems of euthanasia, abortion and so on, I have realised why this man initially looked at me so askance on hearing that I was a follower of Jesus Christ.
To take just one point, he had always thought that Christians were rather `anti-life' in their approach. They were so concerned with heavenly goals and aspirations that, compared with life hereafter, our three-score and ten on earth were completely overshadowed; so it didn't really matter too much what our values on human worth were like!
It was both a painful discovery to realise that I was viewed in this way, but also a useful opportunity to try to correct this man's distorted vision of Christianity. However he is only one of many thousands who do not understand us. And I have come to see that being misconstrued in this way is part of the price that all Christians have to pay for their faith, and perhaps particularly those of us who are also doctors and who thus have our reputation with our patients at stake.
We can thank God that the Lord Jesus is our brother in this, as in all other areas of life. His reputation was something that he was prepared to hold very lightly indeed as he faced the misunderstanding and ridicule of the many, in order that he might bring the truth to those who were really ready to listen.
Are we willing to follow his example or are we over concerned about what the majority of our contemporaries in medicine will inevitably think?
Further reading: 1 Pet 2:18-25. Eph 6:5-8. Col 3:22-25.
What a reminder to keep our hearts focused on the Lord and not on Man/things of the earth. This article spoke to me greatly as I am one easily affected by other's view of me (yeah, me love language is words of affection). But what a great reminder that our identity is not based on what others see, but what God sees of us!!!! I serve not Man but the creator of Man. I love because God first loved. Though the road ahead maybe tough, if we focus on the Lord, fix our eyes on Him, He will lead us and keep us from straying.
Praise be to God!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Way to go M5!!!
I'm so encouraged to see many of my classmates coming down to practice for playhouse despite SIP and EOPT. The unity and willingless to work together is truly amazing. Thanks everyone for coming down, for being part...of the class. May we present the best playhouse has ever seen!!!
Jia you!!!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
For the past few days (and many days before), I have been struggling with the temptation of you-tube (boys and girls out there, watch it!!!). Everytime I turn on the computer, I would end up going to and watch random videos. As a reuslt, I sleep late (and thus unable to concentrate in school the next day), can't finish what I had intended to do, waste alot of time that could have been used to do constructive things (like sleep or revise my work).
I've tried so hard to make "mental notes" to not type youtube, but some how, I always end up there. Reason? Oh, cos I want to listen to music while doing work (multi-tasking). Oh, just want to have some entertainment to satisfy my heart's desire...Indeed, the flesh is often so so weak. I was almost desperate last night when I watched youtube till 2am!!! I prayed that God wld give me the strength to overcome the temptation...And He did.
I'm now going on a youtube fast (other than when I have to prepare for service).
Lessons learnt:
1. God is good, and He's ever there to help us. Don't wait till it's too late.
2. Focus. Don't try to multi-task. Know what you have to do and do what you have to.
3. I'm a don't try to make things right by my own strength. It ain't going to work.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Doctors I want to become...
1. Mr Terence Huey:
I'm not only amazed by his wealth of knowledge, but even more captivated by his heart for patients. Although a surgeon, Mr Huey's medical knowledge is remarkable, able to manage his patients holistically. Not only so, his compassion and humility towards everyone is a model and inspiration. He speaks truth with love, towards patients (never fail to comfort patients and alay their fears) and colleagues (when you make a mistake, expect a gentle but stern lecture from Mr Huey.)
2. Mr Lo Hong Yee:
Candid and jovial, there will never be a dull moment around Mr Lo. Every ward round with him is like going on an excursion, packed full of excitement. Working with him (and I say "with" not "under") has been a great inspiration. Everyone is part of the team, even puny SIPs like us.
3. Mr Chong Yew Lam:
Ever heard of a doc celebrating his patient's birthday, encouraging a depressed patient to live on and be an encouragement to others? Well, Mr Chong has done that and more!
...and the list goes on...
I know that I'm far from these great giants, in knowledge and amplitude. But Father, I pray that You would continue to mould and shape me to the person you want me to be! Though the road ahead will be tough, but God will be my strength.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
After so long
I know you are the one...
Let us love God before each other :)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Being focused!! Staying focused!!!
I just started my surgical SIP in TTSH. Though I the week started with great anticipation, it was also with great fear that I stepped into the wards. Fear of not being able to live up to expectations (of man and God), fear of being a burden to others, fear of not being able to learn (yes, my pride and ego), fear of not being a good doc (esp after all that prep talk)...Then there's the whole getting-to-know-people stress...But God has been really gracious blessing me with great partners (Jacob and Gabriel) and a wonderful team!
Then, there's 2 nights of residency talk by NHG cluster which left us confused and even more uncertain of the future. It also revealed the painful competitiveness in the whole system which lies ahead eg. only 3 places for Emed in TTSH. Coupled with all the "which resisdency to do?" talk, about deciding our future, about thinking what I really want to do? Which route would suit me (and which I can do/get in), yea, there's really alot up there in my mind.
On my way home from TTSH, I could feel that heavy heart and trouble soul. With all the change happening around, all the chaos and flux churning within the limited cranial space, I feltso lost, frustrated and helpless. The future seemed bleak. The immediate future: Learning to survive each day in the wards and pick up important skills which will benefit my patients in the future. Realised (once again) that I'm so lousy and lost. The near future: To pass MBBS... And the future: Which route to take? What basis to work on helping me make the decision? Learning? Working? Working environment?
I'm now reading this book "Tender Warrior" by Stu Weber (Sam lent me). It has challenged me to be the Man after God's heart, the Man God has designed to be. In one of the chapters, Stu shared about being focused. A Man should be focused on the tasked assgin and the mission ahead Ah!!! Eureka!!! In all the sludge of thoughts, a bright light broke thru! In the midist of all the change, how much more important it is to stay focused on the mission God has set for me and more importantly, to stay focused on Him. Why be so caught up with the whole resisdency thingy? Does it really matter what route I choose? No, it doesn't!!! As long as I look to the Lord and focus on Him, even though I don't get into any resisdency, it doesn't matter. Yeah, I may lose a few years, but God has His greater plan thru all these.
Father, teach me to focus on you and not on Man. Whatever the storm, guide me thru that I may walk on water and fly under Your eagles' wings.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Lord's Chisel
Oh Lord, chisel me, for I am Your original masterpiece. I am created in Your image! Oh Lord, make me Yours, this day and forever more.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I'm a paracetamol addict :(
I've taken a total of 32 tablets of paracetamol and still counting. Every 6 hours, I would have to pop 2 500mg of paracetamol cos the fever spikes then (as the previous paracet effect wears off) and I go into chills and great discomfort.
Arg, these 4 days has seen the near complete manifestation of my viral episode including fever, sore throat, running nose, productive cough, myalgia, arthralgia, lethargy, diarrhoea...
Sigh, what a time to fall sick. There's so many things that have to be done in the next few days, but now, I doubt I can do any of them :( sob sob...Oh well, it's God's will i guess :)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Happy Birthday Singapore!!!!
My greatest dream for Singapore is that all Singaporeans would live in harmony, each contributing in his own small way to build a nation of love and compassion, a country of passion and vision,, that becomes a blessing to others.
Happy Birthday Singapore!!! Love you always!!!
Always a proud Singaporean!!!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Lost and found...again!!!
I'm sure and certain that I checked that corner of my bag...and many other corners. Felt lost and utterly disappointed for losing something so beloved. I had "lost" it once, just a few weeks ago and it mirculously reappeared. I was hoping for another mircle. But I remember the words of C.S. Lewis, "Do not expect God to work the same way twice". Nonethless, I prayed...
It's been lost for a week. Hope thinned...I begin to accept the loss and wonder how I sld explain to the giver of the gift.
Yet God did another miracle again today. As I was gropping around my bag for something else during lecture, I felt it!! I almost could not believe my hands. It must have been an illusion. But with a doubtful yet hopeful heart, I took out the object that just sent shocks of electricity through my finger tips. My eyes came face to face with the shiny silvery gem. It is real!!!
Thank you Father!! Though I did not deserve it, You have blessed me and guided me. Thank you so much!! I shall protect it carefully and not lose it again.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Wedding cards aglore
24 Jul 2009
Caifeng and ZiQiang --- I'm so sorry I could not turn up for the wedding :( had night call.
1 Aug 2009
Andrew and XiaoYao --- unbelievable you're finally married!! It'll be really interesting to hear your side of the story after marriage :)
8 Aug 2009
Stephen and WeiShieng --- finally married!!!
[card in the making]
Friday, July 31, 2009
CTSP re post SIP r/v
Ptn returned from SIP s/p wonderful dinner with Daphne and Terance (both excellent HO in their own way). Ptn desaturated and went into PEA during the procedure and was given 2units of God's strength. Ptn was resusitated and returned to NSR. SpO2 maintained at 100% by God's grace
Indeed, there were so many depressing moments over the past weeks when I felt so lousy, so uncapable. My poor presenting skills, my poor skill in procedure, my inefficiency, my inability to remember ptn's details...How can I be that competent, compassionate, Christian doc??? I'll probably be a bane to the medical community, a danger to the society. When such tots hit, I feel so helpless and trapped. "Why not just quit? Just give it up?" Escape seems like the answer, but God definitely has other plans. When I desaturated, He resusitated me! He is my provider and ever present strength!
H: S1S2, regular
L: Clear, no wheeze/creps
A: Soft NT BS+
I would really miss typing these, to be charting the daily parameters, to be following up with my patients, to be directly involved in their management, to be rounding with Daphne and my team...the ability to make a real difference, the responsibilty of caring for another, though it may have been stressful, it has brought me out of my comfort zone, to realise my gap in knowledge and there's so much I need to catch up.
Thank you all for making SIP such a great experience. To all the nurses of ward 45 (and other wards I've been to during my night calls) you have been such a great help and blessing to us as doc and to the ptn. With such good nurses and beautiful teamwork, ptn really benefit and receive good care. To my seniors, thanks for being patient with me and guiding me along the way. I hope I'll be the helpful HO one day you can trust and not the one ppl throw lots to work with.
Post procedure plans:
1. To study harder for MBBS x 212/7
2. To continue to pray and trust in the Lord x forever
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Happy Birthday Eugene :)
276 months
8280 days
198,720 hours
11,923,200 mins
715,392,000 seconds...
Yes, it's my birthday, the day I was brought into this world, the day I took my first breath and added an extra sound to the symphony around me. It is a day of celebration and a day of thanksgiving.
Ever since that moment, God's blessings never left me. He gave me life and a chance to live. He gave me my parents and family who have been so loving, caring for me and showing me the way the live. They have never left me, always there when I needed them. He gave me friends, who have been such great support and encouragement along the 23 years. He guided me through the many thick and thin of live, through each failure and every success. He gave me the strength to stand strong through rain, to smile at every thunder storm...
"Every year we're getting closer to who we're gonna be
It's time to celebrate the story of how you've come to be"
God has been so faithful this 23 years. And I'm sure He will carry me through, to be closer to who He wants me to be. Though the road be tough and the journey be rough, He wil bring me through the fire, to be purified and refined.
Thank you Father, for the greatest birthday gift --- knowing You!!!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Faith and humility
Indeed, God's word never reuturns to Him void. I was just listenning to the audio reading of Matthew 5-7 along my way to NUS and th Lord spoke so powerfully to me on 2 important lessons, faith and humility.
Mat 6:1 "Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' in front of others, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.
Mat 6:5 "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.
Mat 6:16 "When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.
Mat 6: 19 - 21 Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. So often, when I honestly reflect upon my actions, they were meant to be a display to the people around me. "To be blameless before God and Man" I rmb...But pleasing , getting attension and receiving praises becomes the main motivation to do "good". Pleasing God became secondary, but pleasing an first. Ah, and to think I always rmb the verse Col 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. The treasures stored in heaven are too difficut to be seen, it's easier to see the rewards on earth. And anyway, that's not too un-biblical, to see the smiling faces of people's approval and to hear the sweet praises. But that is not where the treasures should be stored. For my heart should be on what pleases the Lord, and not Man. My heart should be on that which is eternal and not that which will be destroyed.
Oh Lord, help me be humble.
Mat 8:1-3 When Jesus came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. 2 A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean."
Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy.
Mat 8:13 Then Jesus said to the centurion, "Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would." And his servant was healed at that very hour.
Mat 8:26 He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?"
Mat 9:22 Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you." And the woman was healed from that moment.
Mat 9:29-30 Then he touched their eyes and said, "According to your faith let it be done to you"; and their sight was restored.
A mixture of the faithful and the faithless. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see (Heb 11:1). Our faith lies in the hope of our Lord Jesus Christ, that He can save and He can heal, that He has authority over all heaven and earth, that He is the Son of Man. Faith can move the mountains, faith can do the impossible, not by our own efforts but by His grace!
Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean."
Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy.
As log as we come before God in faith and humilty, He is willing to save us. Why hold back away from Him? Why rely on our own strengths which is limited How long will we be like the faithless? God is calling me to have faith, take courage and fight the war for Him!!! For He has already won the victory and I'm just claiming the harvest for Him.
Praise be to God!!!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The race begins!!!
Fear: for the many things that I'm expected to be good but still very lousy eg presenting history, p/e; for the heap of knowledge/skills I have to know well before graduating; for the know hecticness and stress that is to come, and how I will cope.
But last week's sermon by Rev Ee was a great encouragement. On Gideon's faith in God and humilty to obey which helped him overcome his fears. God puts us thru tests/trials/challenges/failures so that we will be refined by them and become more and more in His image. The more we fear (and thus run away), the more God will put us in that situation, just as He did with Jonah. So since God has brought me on this journey, there is no escape. I'll face the fears, with God's grace.
Father Lord, I do not pray for an easy going year ahead, but rather, a year of good training/discipline and learning. Father, I know things will get tough and will only get tougher, Lord I pray that you increase my faith in You, to rely on Your strength and not mine. Father, teach me to always be humble, to trust and obey, to learn from others. In times of despair, Lord, send forth comfort and strength. I'm Yours, use me.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Life is like cycling
1) The cornerstone of cycling is to balance...It too is the hardest step :( Life too is all about living in the balance. Be it our diet, our attitudes in work,'s all about finding the balance.
2) In cycling straight, you have to be in constant adjustment, making micro left/right turns. So is it with life. While we travel a straight path towards our goals in life, there is no simple and straight road. We often fall to the left and right, and to travel in a straight line requires us to be constantly aware of ourselves and make the micro changes.
3) The art of cycling through obstacles is to look far ahead. Many times, when I look at the nearing obstacles (eg road blocks, cars, pillars of narrow walkways), the chances of me hitting them is so much higher than if I just focused straight ahead eg the person in front of me. This is so in life. If we look at the obstacles at hand, we would often tremble in fear and thus not pass it. But if we looked ahead, focusing on our ultimate goal, we would move straight on...For me, I focus on God!!!
4) As I cycle, I pray all the time!!! This is so with life...PRAY!!!
Thanks guys for the great night cycling experience. Won't have been able to do it without you guys. Thanks for the patience, support and encouragement.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Discipline...begins today!!
As a hectic year begins, at the starting point of this final lap, I want to commit myself into Your hands before I get washed away by the storm or get stuck in the sinking sand.
A Christian senior doc (when sharing about HO life) once reminded me that we should start doing what we want ourselves to be, and not wait till we are caught in the busyness of things. And so Father, I want to commit myself to the following things, to actively and intentionally set aside the time to work on them:
1) Prayer ---A constant reliance on Your strength, a constant reminder of Your providance.
2) Excercise --- To keep this temple healthy so that I may serve others.
3) Sleep --- To maintain a proper sleep cycle, best sleep before 12am.
4) Family --- To spend time, even if short, with the precious gift You have given.
Oh Lord, help me keep these commitments to You. To start during this 2 week "self-study". Amen.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Just for fun/revision

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Congratulations Vincent & Emily!!!


Thursday, May 28, 2009
在我心灵深处, 有一座宁静谷
生活中的仓促, 生命里的难处
只愿向祂来倾诉, 平安祝福在这谷.
Chorus: 我与我, 主相约之处
倘佯这份宁静安详, 就像是在天堂
Bridge: 喜乐平安充满我心
Monday, May 25, 2009
Life in an oncology ward
Well, you're not too wrong to say that Death is a frequent (or permanent as my tutor wld say) visitor in the onco ward. Everyday, some one passes on, sometimes gradual, sometimes sudden. In my short stay in oncology, I've personally witnessed 3 deaths (our MO has seen 7 in 10 days).
With such situations, the ward may seem like a graveyard of sorrow. Every moment, there are terminally ill patients who are frustrated with their condition, depressed with their illness and helplessly struggling to live each day. Not forgetting the family members and friends who walk them thru this final journey, their pain, helplessness and grief...
That was what I tot too...
But Dr Simon Ong thinks otherwise. Death does not simply bring grief, but more often hope and peace. With death lurking around, we are taught to treasure life and learn how to live. When one knows that his time is short, he should live life doubly hard and not give up on life. Indeed, in understanding death, we learn to live, learn to appreciate the beauty around us and to count our blessings. In death, there is hope!!!
And even more so for those serving in the onco ward, the nurses/ward assistants/medical student/doctors. Our interaction with these patients are so short and often unexpectedly terminated. Dr Ong suggest that if every healthcare worker can spend just 3min bringing a simple joy to a patient, think of how much we can bless our patients!!! And so often, as we see how our patients live their final moments, we are reminded of the fragility of life and too learn to treasure the blessings around us.
No man can know when another dies, not even with statistics show xxx% has a 5 year survival rate. But knowing that our time is short, we should not spend it drowning in dispair and sorrow, but rather be spurred on to live life to its fullest.
That is life in an oncology ward!!!
This is an equation no one can escape. No matter how small the incident, no matter how ancient the event, a farmer reaps what he sows and that's how God created the world.
I made a grave mistake years ago. Many mistakes along the way... ... and now I finally reap the "harvest". How do I face this guilt, shock and despair...I cannot run away anymore. I have to face it all. Yet, I tremble at the fear...the fear of making the same that cannot be resolved.
I wish the Dot theroy wld come true, so I know the exact thing to do so won't be any mistake. Yet I know, in God sorverign will, He has called us to trust and obey, to work towards His moral will, of righteous living and Spiritual understanding.
Father, how can i make up for my mistakes. Give me the courage and wisdom to face it...
... ...
Dear friend...I'm sorry.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Meeting up again
Friday, May 8, 2009
I can cycle!!!
Thanks to my friends for patiently teaching and guiding me all the way. All credit goes to you :P
PS Happy birthday Kiat and Sengkiong!!!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thank you!!!
For Dr Philip and Dr Anna ---> Great teachers, loving couple, caring docs. An inspiration!!! Thank you so much for sharing with us your life and encouraging us to serve the Lord.
For Harish ---> A wonderful brother who showed us much hospitality and welcomed us into his family though we were still strangers. Ah, we will miss Akansha and Kitu. May the Lord cont'd to bless Harish and his family, providing for his needs and giving him the strength to face life's challenges!
For Dr Tashi ---> Thanks for breaking the ice on the first day, openning up to us. Miss you :)
For Dr Deepa ---> Hehe...Bourneville!!! I will nvr forget the Bourneville scene. Ah, miss the nights up chatting and sharing our lives. Thanks for taking care of us, making us feel at home. May the Lord cont'd to guide you and give you joy in whatever you pursue in the future.
For Dr Jacob --->
Never judge Dr Jacob from his looks. He is a very nice and fun-loving guy :)
Leaving Manali...with heavy hearts
I always thought 4 weeks was long, but being here, 4 weeks seemed like a fleeting moment. I could still recall the day I set foot in Manali, being lost in the "big" town which I'm now all too familiar. The sights and sounds, of majestic snow-capped mountains that surround, of crazy kids who play basketball at 6am (when the sun is already bright), of students in the nearby schools running about, of the busy Mall street, of the grocer where we get our fruits and vegtables, of No.10, our favourite and trusted "supermarket", of Delhi Chat, of the chemist...Ah, all these are now part of the photo collection and my memory. Manali, I'm so going to miss you.
This week was spent largely having dinner with people for the last time. Monday, was at Harish's place (oh he made the nicest chocolate cake). Tue, with Vinay/Hersh/Poonum (1) to do some shopping for souviners [I bought bout 38 key chains :P] (2) to some ulu but attas restaurtant for dinner, but had a great time looking at starts. Wed with Dr Philip/Dr Anna/Grant/Charlene for dinner and sharing. Today, Dr Ritu invited us for homecooked chicken branyi, delicious! Indeed, it's the people here at Manali that I'll miss the most. Everyone has been so welcoming and kind towards us from day 1. Even though we were strangers, we were treated like close friends. Thank God for all these wonderful people he has blessed us. I'll miss everyone of you.
I'll also miss this precious time I've spent with Yingxian. This brother who has been such an encouragement to me, always challenging me to face some of the most difficult things in my life (which I often run away from) and helping me see my own weaknesses. Though our discussions often end up with me backing out or admitting loss (cos I really can't argue with him and it often becomes so draining on me) followed by a personally imposed cold turkey, I really appreciate my brother being so honest with me and tolerating me. Ah xian, I pray that the friendship that we share wld be one where iron rubs iron, so that we may be polished into God's perfect image. Forgive me for the many times I've disappointed/upseted u.
Ah, went for a Indian style haircut today! It wasn't anything special, except for the head massage. Oh man, I was sure I'll get an SAH or even lose some teeth. But it was quite an experience, and fear that the barber wld ruin my already not so good hair. But it turned out quite ok, I hope. Haha, the barber, knowing we were from Missions hospital wanted us to give him some tablets for some "urine prob". However, our limited Hindi coupled with him shy in telling us everything made it hard to even make a diagnosis and so we just encouraged him to come to the hospital tmr. I wonder if he wld though.
It's rainning heavily outside now. I'm packed, just a few more last min stuff to put in. Ah, am I really leaving this beacutiful place? The more I ask, the more the reality strikes.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Haha, now I can finally understand what dagu meant when she walked in the snow when she was in England. Snow is really slippery. Thank God for the good pair of trekking shoes. We had great fun making snowman, having snowball fights and just enjoying it. Wasn't daring to do wat Ben did when he was in Swiss, lie down and make angel, cos there were many animals ard, and I realised that the snow may not be as clean as I imagine. Plus snow here is really wet and sticky.
Oh, did I mention that snow is really COLD!!! Didn't expect it to be that cold. Nearly got frostbite of of making the snowman and all the snowball fights :P
Ah, I'm really beginning to find home here in Manali. Honestly, I don't feel like leaving. Have just got to settle into the lifestyle eg I know here to get the cheapest and nicest chai, get my groceries, wash my clothes etc. Plus, have built really great relationships with so many ppl that I'm feeling part of the community here already. It's really sad that I'll be leaving in less than 7days and I'm sure I'll miss the place. Well, if God willing, I'll come back...and even bring my family on a holiday!!!
Ah, wild dreams :P But really thank God for blessing us for the past weeks. Everything has been going so smoothly (except that I just lost one of my rechargable batt, so sad, must have dropped out of my pocket or sth), we've had so many ppl blessing us along the way, giving us precious advice and guidance. God has kept us safe and healthy, despite all the bad stories of India. Praise the Lord!!!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Faith in danger...trusting God
As we groped in the darkness, I was reminded of the verse "Your word is a lamp before my feet and a light to my path". Indeed, the ray of light from my torch shone the immediate path before me. I could not see the left or right to me, just the path ahead. Yet I knew, if I took a step to the sides, it would be certain death.
This is life. As we journey in the darkness of the fallen world, God's word shines the immediate path before us, and not beyond. We do not know how long more the journey may take, but know that there is goal and all we need is to faithfully follow the light. Yet, we are often tempted to fall to the left or right, consciously or not. But we have a faithful Father who promised never to leave us or forsake us. He will hold our hand when we fall aas long as we trust Him!!
This short trek in the Himalayan range has made me realise the truth behind such Christian clique. It's been a precious experience that God has allowed me to learn. Praise the Lord!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Water fun!!!
Yesterday, me and Yingxian went for an unexpected wide water rafting trip. Vinay n Hersh was going down to another city for some family event and decided to bring us along. Halfway, (that city, Kullu was bout more that 50km from the hospital), he randomly suggested we go rafting, (the main road ran alongside the main river which has alot of rapids) and we randomly agreed, thinking that he was planning to bring us another time. Little did we know, he suddenly stopped the car, called a friend (who owned a rafting shop) and then, we were into the water!! But it was a truly exciting experience, riding thru the fast rapids and fighting occasional powerful waves. Other than the adventure, the scene along the river was beautiful, many of which can only been seen from the river. It was indeed worthwhile. Thank God for such a precious opportunity.
However, all our clothes that we wore were soaked, including my waterproof trekking shoes :( So I'll be spending the rest of my time today cleaning and washing my clothes. My jeans are glittering with sand. Washed our shoes yesterday liao, thanks to Xian.
Time passes really fast here. Can't believe it's already into my second week here. The US team and the other Canadian student left last Sunday, so the campus is now rather quiet. As they left, I oso felt a little homesick, but am ok now :)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Day 3 in Manali
So far, life has been very relaxed here. Every Tue and Thu are operating days and we get to assist in the operation. Mon, Wed and Fridays are outpatient clinic days and we get to sit beside the doctors and join in the consultation process. But language is a great barrier, yet thank God once again that the docs are willing to spend time to translate for us. Am learning a few Hindi words here and there. Yesterday, I had a chance to do a spinal anesthesia (ie stick a needle into the spinal cord and inject anesthetic), something that in SG I'll only be able to watch. (Poor patient thou :P ) The docs here are really patient in teaching and guiding us. We're learning alot, but also feeling so inadequate. There's so much I need to know but still lacking...ah, that's why we are students eh...It does scare me a little to think that I'll be a doc in a year's time...God's grace I guess...
I've been taking care of myself, wearing lots, taking my vit regularly, avoiding anything that looks suspicious, trying to drink lots of water, sleeping earlier. But I've been getting a little adventurous lately. We are shifting from eating at the safe but boring hospital mass (which serves dal and rice/chapathi for every meal) to exploring food from outside (which is what everybody else does). We've tried the bakery, the fresh fruits (which we wash in KMnO4), and some indian sweets. Occasionally, nice people wld bring us out for treats and I feel really bad cos they always don't accept our money...
Blessings after blessings. Giving thanks to God!!!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Greetings from Manali!!!
It's been such an exciting journey!!! Me and Xian arrived at Chennai airport (after a rather bearable budget flight) to be surprised by the barren airport. But thank God that was only the international airport. The domestic airport was very homely and cosy. We had a good cheap supper of snapple n puffs. Then YingXian took his really cool camara (DSLR) and we attracted alot of strangers who came to talk to us. And so we made a few really nice Indian friends who were mostly photography enthus. So we talked from photo to camera to life in Singapore and India.
Then the flight from Chennai to Delhi on Jet airways was superb. It is really as good as SQ!!! The food was excellent and the service was great. We totally enjoyed the flight :) Then landing at Delhi airport was another adventure. We were stuck with the decision whether or not to check into a hotel to dump our heavy luggage or go straight to the bus place to get a bus. Then we decided that it'll be too expansive to get a hotel (cos all the hotels near the bus place was the 5 star ones). So we got the pre-paid cab to take us to the bus place (which was another blessing cos we went to the tourism counter for help and they really did + try to convince us to buy their service).
So we took the cab, who, by God's was a very responsible one. He didn't know the place but went the extra mile to help us find it. He could have just dropped us off anywhere. So by God's grace, we found the bus company in a lonely quiet corner of a building. We got our tix and MORE. Yes, another blessing, the person there upon us asking bout touring Manali, drew us a map, from how to get to the hospital to all the nice places to visit, all in detail. What's a greater blessing was that we were able to leave our bags with him in the office. Thank God!!! We didn't have to lug our heavy bags with us :)
So we went to explore the streets of Delhi. Cut short all the detail (we had lunch in Macs :) ate this big mac but instead of beef, it was something like otah chicken. Quite nice). Here, we had been "cheated". But it turned out to be a blessing in disguise :) God's really good and YingXian is really street smart :) Thank God for him. Anyway, I found this Medical bookstore that sells original medical books at much less than in Singapore, like 60-80% cheaper. I bought on S$50 book at S$10 after conversion.
The 16h bus ride wasn't that bad either, better than the budget air journey. Had our first off-the-Indian-street meal of butter toast and hot "chai" (which is sweet spice Indian tea). In the cold morning of 5am, it was very welcoming and delicious. The sun only lit up the land bout 7am and then we were awed by the great beauty which surrounded us. Manali is REALLY beautiful. Peaceful clear waters, majestic mountains, white stones, beautiful trees...All creation truly testifies how great the Creator is!!! Wish you were all here to enjoy what my eyes have witnessed :)
We found the hospital without much difficulty. The locals seem to hold the hospital with great respect. Cos when we asked for directions, ppl were so willing to direct us the fastest way instead of taut us. Really thankful for that. We managed to catch the Sunday service. Once again, I was surrounded by such a crowd of witness. Indeed, how amazing it is to be amongst people worshipping the Lord from different nations and tribes. All praise and glory be to Him!!!
Oh did I mention that it was really supposed to be snowing here in Manali!! According to the locals, this year is weird cos there is no snow, but it's still cold. Thank God for Dagu's jacket and Dad's weisheng yi. Thanks Joyce for helping me get it. But it's really nice weather, not so humid. Almost like being in a natural air con room.
Oh, we met this US couple who are missionaries serving here. A group of US students from their church back home were here to join them in a 1 week missions trip too. So they brought us out for a superb Indian lunch and even let us join their trekking trip. This was a great great blessing!!! We could not have dared or known the trekking route, but now we were able to go with a group of 10 who were quite experienced trekkers along a beautiful, yet-to-be-destroyed-by-tourist route. It was really God's blessing!!! And the trek while tiring and even dangerous (according to the guy, who is serving in the hospital as a paramedic, said that a British girl fell off the cliff and was sent to the hospital via helicopter) was indeed gorgeous. Yingxian has taken many nice photos, so wait for him to upload them. Oh yes, thank God for the trekking shoes, saved my life quite a lot today :) Money well invested.
So far, we have really been holidaying and under such comfortable conditions. Tmr, our actual medical work starts. I'm a little reluctant to start work, but yet excited bout the work to come. We've been treated so well by the locals and staff in the hospital we feel a little bad. Xian says we're only medical students yet we're treated like kings (even got another student from Canada help us to borrow heater, which was really out of her way). I'm sure that the rest of the month here will be exciting and fun!!!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I'm leaving on...a Tiger plane...
I'll be leaving for India in less than 2 weeks!!!
I'm so so so excited. And the excitement builds as I start to pack and prepare stuff.
Look at how time flies. I've already done 3 weeks of Emergency Medicine @ SGH and it seems only yesterday the fun started. I'm loving the place more and more each day...The team work, the cosiness, the "freedom", the autonomy, the excitement...Sigh, I'll really miss the place.
The tot of doing E.Med (esp @ SGH) is already taking root, but many friends have given their words of caution. Thank God for them, for if I rush to follow my now fiery passion, I might close up other options and even live to regret the choice. Another reminder from God not to rush into things hastily, but wait patiently upon Him.
Anyway, for you lovely friends out there, I'll be flying on Friday 6 Mar 09 at 2115h. Will be flying Tiger Airways (yes, it's budget to the horror of my parents n aunts) which leaves from the Budget Terminal (a new life experience)...Sld be there bout 7-8pm, so you can come send me off :)
Here's a online tag to track the weather of where I'm the moment, it looks like I'll be "enjoying" some snow in Manali...brrr....
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Finding God again...
1) We have often reduced God to a means rather than the ends.
2) What does it mean to be holy and set apart? Is it just to do QT, go to church, make confessions? Are these becoming our own rituals to attain holiness (like the Pharisee)? When God set apart Isreal and made them holy, he didn't intend it for the benefit of the Isrealites. Rather, it was for the benefit of those around, that when they see Isreal, they would also see God. That's what being holy menat
Ah...indeed...I have been mistaken for so long. Change my heart O Lord!!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy 2009!!!!
You know who you are.
Even though it may not be the biggest or greatest thing you have done. To me, it's the most wonderful gift God has given to me through you...
To my beloved family and friends: