Sunday, November 30, 2008

Turn my eyes to you O Lord!!!

So many things has happened recently...As I'm being challenged to question what evangelism means, and in light of a hurting friend, another in grief, God has brought me through many a painful lesson.

God has been so merciful, to pick this wretched soul, this useless mud pile to mould it into a pottery worthy for His use. I've been so caught up with myself, trying to find my own answer to questions of life, trying to sort things out my own way. But the answer has been staring at me for so long, just that I simply refuse to turn to it.

Like the authour of Ecc, I've been chasing after the wind. My life purpose was no longer founded on the Rock, but on the sandy ground of guilt/resentment/fear/ materialism/meeting other's expectations "And I saw that all labor and all achievement spring from man's envy of his neighbor. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind." Ecclesiastes 4:4 That's exactly what I have been!!!

My eyes have turned away from God to Man to Self...O Lord, turn my eyes back to You!!! May I picture Your salvation work and run towards it once more!!!

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