Monday, July 15, 2013

Why do we serve?

Training to be soldiers, fight for our land.
Once in our life, 2 years of time.
Have you ever wondered, why must we serve?

Many NSF will recall this song fondly, though not all pleasantly :) Some will even be asking themselves this question throughout their NSF life. Why must we serve? Why must we waste 2 years of our lives in an organisation that we don't know (some don't even fully support or agree to), doing things which we didn't want, or worse still, wasting our talents away (I have seen so many with great potential, but simply placed in the wrong voccation and thus wasted away). We are all forced into conscription, mostly against our will and plans.

I found myself answering this qns, for myself and my medics through my term as MOIC.

Col 3:23 - 24
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."

We certainly don't serve the organisation. Being in this organisation for a while, I have come to realise just how much injustice and unfairness there is in the system. The hardworking are rewarded with more work/responsibilities (and with it all the consequences), while the lazy are rewarded with more free time. Furthermore, the regulars (ie those hired by the organisation) seem to comfortably settle in their roles to utilize and optimize their free labour (ie the conscripted NSFs)...and the system allows/promotes such behaviour!

So why do we serve?
Cos we love our land...

Indeed, it is for love that we serve, love for our nation, love for our family, love for our friends. I find myself going to camp everyday, doing more than what I am expected because of the people that God has placed before me. I want to be a testimony for Him before my medics, I want to be a blessing to them even where it may be difficult. I want them to have a memorable NS life, to learn and gain something out of these 2 years and not just waste their precious time away. My medical centre became my mission field, a harvest field where God has placed me.

Looking back, I am just so amazed and thankful how God has led me through my tour as MOIC. He has blessed me with a wonderful team of medics, He has given me so many opportunities to reach out to them and bless them, to stand between the gap of the living (my guys, the patients that I served) and the dead (the rotten organisation). Through this experience, I have also gained and learnt much...and pretty blessed as well.

Father, thank you for a very fulfilling and memorable NS life. Thank you for Your every blessing and guidance. I pray that I have been a good testimony for you, and inspired/encouraged/developed my medics in the way you have desired. I pray that you would continue to look after all my medics and help them grow to know you more. May they find joy and fulfillment in their lives, to be a blessing to others. Above all, may they came to accept you as their personal saviour, to receive all the blessings you have prepared for them. Amen!

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