Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Week

It has been a busy week.

Travelling to NUH everyday is no joke. Daily 1h journey at645am, it's truly tiring. Have to rely on the kopi-beng to keep awake. Still got to do this for the next 6 weeks. Sigh...But it could be cos I've been sleeping late...Why?

1. Almost every night got playhouse practice. End up reaching home by 10++pm. Though I sld not complain (cos many others have put in so much more effort and made alot more sacrifices), but still, it is tiring.

2. Got to study for ID. I like ID. It's something familiar, yet such a mystery. It's a joy reading for ID. But 2 weeks to cover so many topics is really not easy. Haha, even before the test, I've still got a few sets of unread notes...naughty boy. So have been trying to study a bit every night, but as expected, falling asleep with the guilt of not reading...haha...

Nonetheless, it has been an eventful and blessed week. Much to give thanks for:
1. Haha, Mon's lecture was one of the few lectures I managed to stay awake!!! So proud of myself . Now I know it's possible to pay attention...but oh, did I mention that I forgot that there was an 8am, lecture and tot the 1st lecture was at 930 :P Haha, careless boy. Regardless, it's a small step...and a prayer answered :)

2. It was great to be back at CF on Tue, to just join in worship and be amongst the sweet fellowship. Ah, how I miss everyone...Oh, pleasently surprised to see Stephen joining us (cos Shieng is still running the science CF...hmm...)

3. Thank God for friends who have been such a great encouragement and blessing. Though I so often feel like slacking (both in my studies and spiritual walk), friends around motivate me to keep moving on. May the Lord continue to bless you all as we continue to uphold each other!!!

4. Deeply encouraged by my classmates, for everyone who took time off to participate in our final playhouse, for sacrificing precious time and energy just to train/practice with everyone. Though things are rather messy, though we seem way behind what other batches are doing, we are still carrying on. The show must and will go on. It's the spirit that counts!!! I'm so proud to be part of Class05/10. Friends, let's do it together!!!! It doesn't matter if we win anything at all, it's the process and unity that counts.

...thankful for the opportunity to know a few of my classmates better.

But still, the busy week has taken time off my loved ones...Ah Dear, I really miss you.

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