More than 10,000 people gathered today at Suntec City, united in one vioce and one heart in worshiping the Lord. What a joyous and glorious occation that is!! We from different parishes, from different generations, across different languages (English, Mandarin, Tamil, Thai...) all came together today under the banner of God's grace and glory, worshiping Him as one church, one diocese.
It was such a heartwarming occation to be celebrating with brothers and sisters. I was literally touched to tears throughout the service. I could almost picture Rev 7:9 around me, where people of every nation, every tongue and every tribe coming to worship and praise the Lord!
Beyond the procession, songs and dance, what touched me was the message and thoughts God has placed in my heart through the services. Indeed, it was a great encounter and fellowship with the Lord. How I pray I would seek His glory all my life, to be obedient to Him, learning to sacrifice, just as Jesus did...onto the cross! Some thoughts:
1) Crossing over as a generation. I was deeply encouraged by the presence of the youths today during the service. God has brought our diocese through 100 years, but how would the journey till the next 100yr be? The burden lies on our shoulders, the youths of this generation. Ah, but how many of us are truly willing to offer our lives to the Lord? How many of us are humble enough to allow the Spirit to work and mould? Even I am still learning to do so. It is scary to think that a church would ever come to a stop. I shudder at that thought. Yet it is a reality, if we do not start to build each other up now, to grow in Christ. Brothers and sisters, let us cross over as a generation!!!
2) "Be the best at what you do, be the penicle of your specialty" -- I remember a senior sharing. And this thought came to me once again. As I saw the community work that our Diocese has been involved in, I'm so encouraged and touched. I want to be part of it, with the skills and talents that GOd has given me, to be a blessing to others. More specifically, as I think of serving in SACH, I already see so many obstacles ahead. Was reminded that it'll indeed difficult to be employed by a ministry. Ever since Bishop Chew asked me (casually) to consider speciallising in rehab med to serve at SACH, that thought's been on my mind. But I was reminded today that I cannot be half hearted in my service. If I truly want to serve, it'll have to be the best, and nothing less. Ah, no more slacking my friend!!!