Friday, July 31, 2009

CTSP re post SIP r/v

4 weeks just passed like that. To think that 4 weeks ago I was still staring at the computer screen wondering if I wld survive SIP...And now, SIP comes to a beautiful closure.

Ptn returned from SIP s/p wonderful dinner with Daphne and Terance (both excellent HO in their own way). Ptn desaturated and went into PEA during the procedure and was given 2units of God's strength. Ptn was resusitated and returned to NSR. SpO2 maintained at 100% by God's grace

Indeed, there were so many depressing moments over the past weeks when I felt so lousy, so uncapable. My poor presenting skills, my poor skill in procedure, my inefficiency, my inability to remember ptn's details...How can I be that competent, compassionate, Christian doc??? I'll probably be a bane to the medical community, a danger to the society. When such tots hit, I feel so helpless and trapped. "Why not just quit? Just give it up?" Escape seems like the answer, but God definitely has other plans. When I desaturated, He resusitated me! He is my provider and ever present strength!

H: S1S2, regular
L: Clear, no wheeze/creps
A: Soft NT BS+

I would really miss typing these, to be charting the daily parameters, to be following up with my patients, to be directly involved in their management, to be rounding with Daphne and my team...the ability to make a real difference, the responsibilty of caring for another, though it may have been stressful, it has brought me out of my comfort zone, to realise my gap in knowledge and there's so much I need to catch up.

Thank you all for making SIP such a great experience. To all the nurses of ward 45 (and other wards I've been to during my night calls) you have been such a great help and blessing to us as doc and to the ptn. With such good nurses and beautiful teamwork, ptn really benefit and receive good care. To my seniors, thanks for being patient with me and guiding me along the way. I hope I'll be the helpful HO one day you can trust and not the one ppl throw lots to work with.

Post procedure plans:
1. To study harder for MBBS x 212/7
2. To continue to pray and trust in the Lord x forever

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Eugene :)

23 years
276 months
8280 days
198,720 hours
11,923,200 mins
715,392,000 seconds...

Yes, it's my birthday, the day I was brought into this world, the day I took my first breath and added an extra sound to the symphony around me. It is a day of celebration and a day of thanksgiving.

Ever since that moment, God's blessings never left me. He gave me life and a chance to live. He gave me my parents and family who have been so loving, caring for me and showing me the way the live. They have never left me, always there when I needed them. He gave me friends, who have been such great support and encouragement along the 23 years. He guided me through the many thick and thin of live, through each failure and every success. He gave me the strength to stand strong through rain, to smile at every thunder storm...

"Every year we're getting closer to who we're gonna be
It's time to celebrate the story of how you've come to be"

God has been so faithful this 23 years. And I'm sure He will carry me through, to be closer to who He wants me to be. Though the road be tough and the journey be rough, He wil bring me through the fire, to be purified and refined.

Thank you Father, for the greatest birthday gift --- knowing You!!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

SubQ injection

Was called to help someone with subQ injection. Found this very cool website.