Sunday, June 14, 2009

Life is like cycling

Ah, ever since my first fateful lesson in cycling, I've realised the parallels between cycling and life:

1) The cornerstone of cycling is to balance...It too is the hardest step :( Life too is all about living in the balance. Be it our diet, our attitudes in work,'s all about finding the balance.

2) In cycling straight, you have to be in constant adjustment, making micro left/right turns. So is it with life. While we travel a straight path towards our goals in life, there is no simple and straight road. We often fall to the left and right, and to travel in a straight line requires us to be constantly aware of ourselves and make the micro changes.

3) The art of cycling through obstacles is to look far ahead. Many times, when I look at the nearing obstacles (eg road blocks, cars, pillars of narrow walkways), the chances of me hitting them is so much higher than if I just focused straight ahead eg the person in front of me. This is so in life. If we look at the obstacles at hand, we would often tremble in fear and thus not pass it. But if we looked ahead, focusing on our ultimate goal, we would move straight on...For me, I focus on God!!!

4) As I cycle, I pray all the time!!! This is so with life...PRAY!!!

Thanks guys for the great night cycling experience. Won't have been able to do it without you guys. Thanks for the patience, support and encouragement.

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