Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Reality Check.

1. Not all Christians behave like they should. It hurts to see the "strong" ones fall into the temptation of the world and even more painful to see them leave the faith. And you wonder...wld you be next

2. The perfect thing you hold dear to may be a covering to many pains beneath...and when the covering peels, it is shocking and stunning to even glimpse what lies within...

3. I am not who I am...where I think I am strong is where I will fall. Life then becomes a painful struggle, cos then there is nothing that I am strong in...

4. It's 22 days to Patho Pros...

... ...

Reality Check. Despite the worst of it all, God is faithful and He never changes!!! Amen!!!


fishy! said...

God's logic about strong and weak is sort of funny I guess...

Matthew 20:16 "In the same way, the last will be first, and the first will be last, because many are called, but few are chosen."

I'm currently on 2 Samuel... what had happened to David was beyond my imagination... for a guy who consulted God at every turn, how could he have planned a woman's husband's murder, after having an adulterous affair with her? It wasn't even a petty slip, it was several deadly sins all at once.

Tough right? I think God uses David to tell us precisely that we are not as strong as we think we are...

I think spiritual growth is not like mountain-climbing, where we stay at the height we climbed to, but rather like a road we travel. No matter how far we travel, there will always be the probability of falling down or getting distracted by the things at the side of the road.

Despite that... God uses us in one way or another, in both our spiritual "peaks" and "dips"... don't be discouraged! God loves us beyond our sins (and I'm sure you know that very well ^_^) Where we are weak, is where God is strong =)

Jiayou o!


Eugene said...

Thanks Fang, you have just reminded me of a precious lesson that God once taught me.

Wishing you and your family a very blessed Christmas. May the Love, Joy, Peace and Hope of our Saviour's birth be with you.

God bless.