Thursday, July 3, 2008

In the making of Dr...


1 year has passed by so swifty. One year of struggling in the clinics, wading thru the murky waters of immense knowledge...Almost felt lost, helpless and at times useless...

But God has been faithful. He has been that beakon of light directing me thru the dense woods. Thou at times the light is dim, His warmth is always around and he speaks thru the gentle breeze...


Thank God for a great starting posting, for the excellent tutors who set things in the proper frame of things and for guidance and wisdom set my direction to approach the year:

1. Learn to classify things. Success in mugging comes from the ability to classify all the knowledge at the at of the day. I finally understand what "to see the big pic" means...

2. Be practical bout learning. It's time to start seeing myself as a HO and looking out for the practical things bout management rather than the juicy accademic how to approach from p/c, how to order fluid etc..."You don't see wat you do not find"...

Father Lord, I commit this year into your Hands.

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