Wednesday, May 7, 2008

who says ortho is brainless...

After spending hours discussing simple test, who can say ortho is brainless.

Watch the videos and be mesmerised. These ppl are sleek!!! May our OSCE be as zhai as them :P

McMurray test
Anyway, i think the books are wrong:

Med meniscus = varus force (ie push outwards) and external rotate (ie turn outwards)
Lat Meniscus = valgus force (ie push inwards) and internal rotate (ie turn inwards)

Aim: is to get the meniscus crushed by the tibia n femur.
(+) --> click is felt or pain elicited

FABER test vs Patrick's test

? if different. many websites say different things
eg. Wiki says FABER test (Flexion Abduction External Rotation) is a test for evidence of hip arthritis but Patrick's test is for sacroiliitis. Other sites below say they are the same, see:

I think they are the same test but each looking out for different pathology. Any opinions?

Patrick's test: see

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