32 days and counting...*brrrr*
After the MBBS briefing, reality sets in once more. The final MBBS is near. Time is running short, yet the knowledge gaps only seem to get larger. More topics to cover, more p/e to brush up, essays to read, MCQ to do...arg!!! The fear is real!!!
Was practicing/sparring with Joel and Suriya in the wards eariler, realised how chui I was. Worst of it all was that I was getting weaker at the things that I had once known and was able to perform well. I was stumbling at the things I tot I was ok, and persistantly forgetting things that my friends had taught me (my heart aches each time Joel says "We just discussed that yesterday" and I completely forgotten). Yeah, feel like a burden to my friends (to Aaron/Ken too), not being able to contribute much to their learning, yet leeching from them...Ah, my heart is filled with thanksgiving everyday meet my patient and beloved friends.
Nonetheless, the fear is real...very real!!!
What fear?!?!? Fear of failing MBBS? To be honest, yes. As the exam draws near, I can sense the fear slowly creeping into my heart, stirring my soul. But when all the depressive and anxious emotions die down, I realised how foolish I was to fall into the devil's trap. Why fear? Was it the fear of losing face and hurting my ego? Was it the fear of having to repeat another 6mth? ... What useless fear!
The end point of my medical profession is to be a competent, compassionate, Christian doctor. The only reason I should fear, is the fear of not being able to be the doctor which God would want me to. MBBS is but a check-point to see if I was indeed able enough to be a safe HO, it is not the be all and end all. Thus, if I can't pass, that simply means I'm really not good enough. Period! And I'll give thanks for the extra time (and also that God has kept me from harming others) and jolly well buck up, to fill in the blanks.
Yes!! So what if I can't make it through this MBBS? Yeah I'm sure I'll be a little upset and disappointed, but I will just have to continue the run till the next check-point :)
Then Jacob made a vow, saying, "If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear so that I return safely to my father's house, then the LORD will be my God and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's house, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth." Gen 28:20-22Indeed, this has been my prayer since M1, and just look at how God has provided for me all these years. What then should I fear, other than to disappoint my Lord! Father Lord, I commit myself and all my friends into your hands. Lead us all through the valley of the exams and teach us to become the doctors you want us to be.
To all my dear friends, jia you and press on!!!