Sunday, May 31, 2009

Just for fun/revision

Swan neck deformity caused by the weaking of the volar plate (supportive ligament in front of the PIP joint that normally keeps the PIP joint from hyperextending) and as a result, the PIPJ goes into hyperextension due to the strength of the extensor tendons (from the extensor digitorium). The extensor tendon gets out of balance, which allows the DIP joint to get pulled downward into flexion.
Mallet finger is where there is injury to the extensor tenden thus the DIPJ goes into flexion, by the unopposed action of the DIPJ.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Congratulations Vincent & Emily!!!

We welcome Mr and Mrs Vincent Lim :P
Congratulations Emily!!! You look really pretty today. I'm very touched by the bond between you and Vincent. Indeed as 2 become one, I pray that the Lord will continue to mould you (the 2-in-1) more in His likeness, keep you forever in His love and bless you with great joy.
Haha...Can't believe it eh. My counsellee is married!!!! Oh, hope you like the simple card.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


在我心灵深处, 有一座宁静谷


生活中的仓促, 生命里的难处

只愿向祂来倾诉, 平安祝福在这谷.

Chorus: 我与我, 主相约之处

倘佯这份宁静安详, 就像是在天堂




Bridge: 喜乐平安充满我心

Monday, May 25, 2009

Life in an oncology ward

To some, this may sound like an oxymoron...Oncology = cancer = death

Well, you're not too wrong to say that Death is a frequent (or permanent as my tutor wld say) visitor in the onco ward. Everyday, some one passes on, sometimes gradual, sometimes sudden. In my short stay in oncology, I've personally witnessed 3 deaths (our MO has seen 7 in 10 days).

With such situations, the ward may seem like a graveyard of sorrow. Every moment, there are terminally ill patients who are frustrated with their condition, depressed with their illness and helplessly struggling to live each day. Not forgetting the family members and friends who walk them thru this final journey, their pain, helplessness and grief...

That was what I tot too...

But Dr Simon Ong thinks otherwise. Death does not simply bring grief, but more often hope and peace. With death lurking around, we are taught to treasure life and learn how to live. When one knows that his time is short, he should live life doubly hard and not give up on life. Indeed, in understanding death, we learn to live, learn to appreciate the beauty around us and to count our blessings. In death, there is hope!!!

And even more so for those serving in the onco ward, the nurses/ward assistants/medical student/doctors. Our interaction with these patients are so short and often unexpectedly terminated. Dr Ong suggest that if every healthcare worker can spend just 3min bringing a simple joy to a patient, think of how much we can bless our patients!!! And so often, as we see how our patients live their final moments, we are reminded of the fragility of life and too learn to treasure the blessings around us.

No man can know when another dies, not even with statistics show xxx% has a 5 year survival rate. But knowing that our time is short, we should not spend it drowning in dispair and sorrow, but rather be spurred on to live life to its fullest.

That is life in an oncology ward!!!



Action = consequence.

This is an equation no one can escape. No matter how small the incident, no matter how ancient the event, a farmer reaps what he sows and that's how God created the world.

I made a grave mistake years ago. Many mistakes along the way... ... and now I finally reap the "harvest". How do I face this guilt, shock and despair...I cannot run away anymore. I have to face it all. Yet, I tremble at the fear...the fear of making the same that cannot be resolved.

I wish the Dot theroy wld come true, so I know the exact thing to do so won't be any mistake. Yet I know, in God sorverign will, He has called us to trust and obey, to work towards His moral will, of righteous living and Spiritual understanding.

Father, how can i make up for my mistakes. Give me the courage and wisdom to face it...

... ...

Dear friend...I'm sorry.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Meeting up again

After so long, we finally met up again. And surprises of surprises, JING KAI came!!! Haha, haven't seen for ages. Good to just be in the company of friends that have journeyed thru life for so long. May our friendship last till the Lord's time.

Friday, May 8, 2009

I can cycle!!!

Today marks a new milestone in my life...


Thanks to my friends for patiently teaching and guiding me all the way. All credit goes to you :P

PS Happy birthday Kiat and Sengkiong!!!